8 Dualahei 835
Puzzle change day at Sundown Respite
Having met up outside the Sundown Respite, you joined Fin on a trek into the woods, learning that Ember and Mia are not as skilled as traversing the forest as Fin hoped, extending your few mile hike toward the shrine to take most of the morning.
Arriving at Erolith’s Tomb, you encountered the puzzles previously solved by Mia’s parents that unlocked an underground shrine to nature, with puzzles and traps surrounding the recycle and rejuvenation patterns of nature, with the theme being growth is nature’s greatest strength. At the end of the shrine sat a scroll of rejuvenation, which seems to be similar to JD’s inscription in it’s basic form; both seem to be portals to another dimension, with the scroll giving instructions on drawing energy from that dimension into the material plane and nature here. However, despite it’s intricacies, it’s clear that the elements of this could be transformed by any skilled wizard, let alone a proficient caster like Mia’s mother…
With more questions than answers from the tomb, and Fin maybe not being capable of another hike through the woods at night, they invited you stay at their house for the evening, planning to speak with Adran, the elder of Marda, the elven settlement, in the morning.