In the realm of Eammonon, lies the most populated of four continents, Vormath. Two human
kingdoms encompass most of the charted and occupied land, with allied cities and villages
skeptically trading with one another during an uneasy era of peace. The most recent conflicts
were within the last century, but both took place decades ago.
If heroic tales are to be believed, The Dance of the Crimson and Azure Tears saw the Gilia domain unite
under a common banner to thwart a realm-shattering threat, while the failed Siege of Ca’alshir proved that
even the largest legion of Goblinoids in written history are no match for the reclusive and massively-fortified
sun-touched elves.
However, rumors of rising tensions between two long-allied dwarven kingdoms, Bryn-Kazad and Kol-Grongol,
have done nothing to placate this unease; while news of abductions have begun to happen on the major trade
routes throughout the Morydh Kingdom in the East. The scholars of Khamdar, God of Knowledge, are
pleading with the Grand Prince of Hollistar to prioritize this escalating issue.
Whispers of a renowned artisan’s grisly demise have been raising questions in the Gilian region, especially
due to the lack of information from officials as Lord Regent Durngard and the Council of 13 have yet to
address this tragedy.